Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ignorance is not blissful

Every Goan however poor she or he may be has to make purchases at some point of time or the other. A branded product is being purchased from the market, be it a packet of biscuits or toilet soap. The product is wrapped in laminated paper and has its price printed on it, which includes all taxes. This tax simply means that the end user of that product has effectively paid his contribution in the form of tax to the government, even though the actual tax transaction takes place between the manufacturer of the product and the government. This contribution, however small, is meant for usage by the government to prudently run its operations, build state infrastructure, healthcare, education, maintain law and order, manage garbage and all tasks which are carried out collectively by the state for the benefit of its people.

Goans, whether rich or poor, pay their taxes in one form or the other, even though their contributions differ depending on their net worth. However, over the period of time, politicians, with the help of bureaucrats, and in order to have an upper hand over their citizens, have learnt the art of using fancy names to this tax contribution such as the Direct Tax Code, Excise, Octroi, Personal Income Tax, TDS, VAT, MAT, Sales Tax, Corporate Tax, cess, and what have you.

Keeping aside this terminology, it simply means that money is collected from every citizen, whenever they happen to purchase a product. It is also deducted from their salaries or the TDS (tax deducted at source) from fixed deposits opened by citizens with various banks. The income so earned goes to finance the government machinery and the upkeep of those in charge of the government.

Most Goans, due to their ignorance, do not believe that they pay taxes since they don’t file their income tax returns or pay their personal income tax. For example, Goans working on cruise liners never realise that they pay taxes on their big ticket purchases, because they usually bring their money in cash. Those who opt to use banking channels don’t take the trouble of filing returns. They literally donate their money to the government in the form of tax deduction at source, on their fixed deposits. Most never understand the complex world of taxation, wherein the government has devised a plan to make sure that every citizen falls into the tax net. Of course, Goan politicians prefer that their voters remain ignorant, so that they can continue to keep them on a tight leash. If at all this does get noticed, then they have a Plan B explanation which says that hardly anything comes to the state and most goes to the centre. The bottom line is that all Goans pay their taxes irrespective of whether it is collected by the centre or the state.

Politicians are elected to the seat of power. They exploit the poor and ignorant. The time has now dawned to educate this section of the population that everything the Government spends, comes from the contribution of each and every Goan. The need to decode the tax jargon and change the Goan psyche is of paramount importance now, because most Goans are still under the impression that Government produces money from thin air or at the most, taxes the rich and pays the poor, through their endless schemes. For politicians this is a win-win situation. They collect money from the population without them even becoming aware of it. While disbursing the same, they pretend it is their personal money, thereby gaining instant Robin Hood type of popularity. No wonder, almost every poor Goan, is made to believe that voting a more corrupt leader, is in their personal interest, so that they can avail schemes from the government coffers officially. Unofficially, it can also be obtained from the politician’s personal account.

Few Goans do shout, write, and demand accountability on a regular basis from politicians. This hardly makes any dent on the majority of the population, because most don’t believe that the money involved is theirs. Goans should instead demand better services from the government in return. After all, they expect value for their money. Cunningly though, the tables are actually turned on the people themselves. Politicians view it as a favour to the people, no matter whatever little they do. No wonder some politicians are making an all out effort to prove that more and more people are given the ‘Below Poverty Line’ status, so that they can be hammered below the belt, once they avail of poverty benefits. If the poor is somehow made to realise that the money received from these politicians is actually from their own contribution, the perception towards their leaders may change.

When a politician approaches its electorate to seek votes, it is generally perceived that the politicians would decide on the electorate’s behalf and wants to be in charge of the taxes that are being paid by his constituents.

Poverty along with ignorance is a deadly cocktail which is being successfully exploited by our leaders to come to power, time and again. It, therefore, assumes significance that smart and knowledgeable Goans start educating all those in their circle of influence. This applies to the milkman, housemaids, vegetables vendors, fisherwomen etc., of the basics of tax collections and expenditure.

Once the poor realise of their capabilities and the fact that even the beacon on top of the minister’s car is bought from their contribution, their perception will change thereby forcing a leadership transformation, from an arrogant variety to a more humble one.

Only then can Generation Next politicians with the right credentials, think of entering the political scene.

Above Article appeared in the Herald, Goa on 4th October 2010.

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