Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tap Non Resident Goan potential

By Mr. Plastino D'Costa

Whenever a Non-Resident Goan points out a deficiency in the Goan system, be it political, bureaucratic, social, they are forced to keep their ideas to themselves, the reason given is that they have been living out of Goa and have no business in minding the business of Goa. Of course, there is no guarantee that all ideas coming from Non-Resident Goans are not politically motivated as some Non-Residents have acted with vested interests for politicians in the past. But if we treat all Non-Residents as an interfering fraternity, we might be running the risk of missing out on some very good talent and experience these people might bring with them, due to their exposure to another sound system in the country they reside. The potential has to be tapped and states like Goa will only benefit compared to other states because of the high ratio of population living outside of Goa.

The smartness of Goans residing in Bombay, the work discipline of Goans residing in the Gulf, the work culture of Goans residing in Europe, the professionalism of Goans residing in the United States of America, are just some behavioral transformation these Non-Residents might bring to the benefit of Goa. Goans residing in the West are subject to open and sound systems and make a compelling case for the Government of Goa to appoint them as consultants or advisors to the Government, in plugging some of the gaping holes our systems have. If the government is sincere and keeps an open mind that is.

Unfortunately Non-Resident Goans are considered as traitors or temporary tourists. Traitors because they have left Goa for greener pastures and tourists because like tourists they are temporary and can be easily fleeced during their stay in Goa by all and sundry. However, to be fair all Non-Resident Goans deserve better from the government and the society.

Today the Government of Goa runs an office especially for Non-Residents Goan Affairs without even knowing the exact figure of how many Non- Resident Goans really exist. This office has become merely a facilitation office for the labor class and will remain that, unless some Non-Resident Goans are included in the decision making process. We can’t have commissioners, ministers and their staff who never lived as Non-Residents, visiting foreign countries on the pretext of helping Non-Residents without any constructive agenda. Delegations visiting foreign countries to solve Non-Resident problems usually end up into pleasure trips with no accountability whatsoever on what these trips really want to achieve. They usually end up into some high profile politicians ending up as chief guest for a function, mostly to the satisfaction of the organizers and not necessarily to the audience.

Instead, an office for Non-Residents should concentrate more about the pressing issues faced by Non Residents. Today the Government of Goa and India has conveniently ignored the predicament faced, especially the blue collar Non-Resident, as they are on the wrong side of a stronger rupee and are stuck in some rich countries with high standards of living, unable to save due to high inflation and losing out on remittances. The government has gone out of the way in announcing financial packages to bail out Indian exporters without even bothering about the Non-Residents. These same Non-Residents, which the present Prime Minister should remember during his term as Finance Minister, had bailed India out when she was almost broke. A small emotional appeal at that time for all Non-Residents to invest in Foreign Currency bonds did prove vital. Now with the situation reversing has the Government reciprocated in announcing anything which will provide temporary relief to Non-Residents.

Most Non-Residents have to fend for themselves, once out of the country, our Embassies, soft negotiators that we are, almost can never negotiate better human rights compared to smaller countries like Philippines, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka. Mostly our Embassies are in crisis management mode and hardly pro-active. A small attempt is being made only now with tighter controls in immigration rules. Our Embassies abroad even contradict the term ‘National Integration’ by encouraging cultural activities and associations based on states. In the name of culture they are all out dividing the country. The only service they do noteworthy as the Indian Embassy is to issue or renew the common blue color Indian passport.

Today Non-Residents Indians and Goans need concrete answers from the state and central governments about the consequences of the strong rupee, policy for the Non-Resident Generation Next, voting rights, tax laws, education for Non-Residents Generation Next, pension schemes. After all the biggest contribution Non-Residents have made towards the country other than the bringing in foreign currency, is in solving the employment problem faced by India to some extent, by opting to work outside the country. Imagine the state of employment would be, especially in the last decade, if all Non-Residents chose not to leave India or a small state like Goa.

Above Article first appeared on Herald - Goa on 20th January 2008

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